
Meet Burak. Hailing from Izmir, Turkey, Burak has spent the last decade of his life in Western Europe. His journey with HIV is both poignant and inspiring.

Burak was filled with hope and excitement when he entered a new relationship. But six weeks later, flu-like symptoms began to surface. Concerned, he returned to Turkey and underwent an HIV test, which came back reactive. Multiple tests confirmed the same result.

In Turkey, being a part of the LGBTQI+ community is fraught with challenges. The intense stigma and discrimination often force individuals to conceal their true identities. Burak faced this harsh reality head-on.

Upon receiving his diagnosis, Burak sought medical advice, only to be told to go home and wait to die. Refusing to accept this fate, he consulted another medical team. This time, he was reassured that while he would need lifelong medication to keep the virus suppressed, he was not facing imminent death.

Once Burak overcame his initial fear, he embraced a new purpose. He began volunteering with an NGO dedicated to supporting people living with HIV, becoming an integral part of their peer support network. His dedication was driven by his desire to help others navigate the same challenges he faced.

Burak’s siblings, nephews, and nieces have unwavering support. However, not all family members are aware of his sexuality or HIV status, making him remain partially hidden to ensure his privacy and confidentiality.

Despite these obstacles, Burak’s courage and resilience shine through. His story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of acceptance and support.

Burak regularly engages with newly diagnosed individuals living with HIV. His advice to them is simple yet profound: do not worry, live your life to the fullest, and prioritize your mental health. When he received his diagnosis, his mental health dipped until his doctor reassured him that he could lead a full, healthy life. “U=U means so much to me; it gave me back my life,” Burak shares. “I love living, travelling, and meeting my friends.”

Due to uncertainties with the Turkish government and pharmacy system, Burek must leave Turkey regularly to go to Western Europe to attend his HIV clinic, where he receives his antiretroviral (ARV) medication.

Burak’s journey underscores the importance of resilience, the power of community support, and the critical need for accessible healthcare for all.

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