
Paweł Ziemba, widely recognized by his persona Sister Mary Read, is a leading figure in HIV activism in Poland. Through his impactful work with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence—a global network of queer nuns dedicated to community service and HIV/AIDS activism—he has significantly advanced HIV awareness and prevention efforts in the country.

Paweł’s activism is characterized by a unique blend of visibility and education. Donning his nun’s attire as Sister Mary Read, he engages the public in an approachable and often humorous manner, facilitating discussions on sensitive topics related to HIV prevention and safe sex. His initiatives include distributing condoms, providing information on safe sex practices, and offering support to those living with HIV. This public persona helps dismantle stigma and fosters open dialogue in communities that might otherwise shy away from these crucial conversations.

A key aspect of Paweł’s advocacy is his promotion of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in Poland. He established a clinic in Poznań dedicated to providing PrEP services, making this preventive measure more accessible. Operating one afternoon a week in a rented clinical space, the clinic reaches out to the community through various channels, including free consultation vouchers and STI workshops. Paweł’s efforts have been instrumental in creating a demand for PrEP and positioning it as a viable option for those at risk of HIV infection.

Paweł’s work continues to positively impact the HIV landscape in Poland. Through a combination of advocacy and personal engagement, he not only raises awareness but also cultivates a supportive environment for individuals living with HIV. His efforts exemplify the power of innovative and compassionate activism in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

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